I was on the other side of this a few times. One time I had a girl who was younger than I would normally talk to by a few years. When she wrote we got along well and we proceeded to whatsapp and video chats, we didn't ultimately work but it didn't come down to age and she told me within a couple weeks on her own that she lied about her age because she didn't think I would talk to her and truthfully she was right i wouldn't have so her gamble paid off. I can understand that and I respected that she was honest with me. In another instance I had a lady who was outside my age range pretend she was younger, we also got along well and she after a few chats she also came clean that she was older and we didn't work but again not because of the lie but because her age range just didn't make her appropriate for me, I wanted kids one day and she was at the tail end of her reproductive years so it just didn't make sense for either of us. Another time I had a lady lie about her age and I caught her lying so that ended that right away. So for me, the fact that someones lied in itself doesn't make them irredeemable or make them a habitual liar its how they lied and about what. Online dating is a funny thing, we are actively looking for reasons to not contact someone rather than reasons we should reach out to someone so I can see why sometimes people feel the need to give themselves a fighting chance but then it comes down to how they handle it. Did they respect me enough to say yes I lied and this is why now it's your choice how you want to deal with that info or did they try to lie to the bitter end? if its the former then I can look past it, if its the latter that person to me is probably someone who would continue lying, if someone confronted continues to lie they're a liar