Serious meaning is always overlooked the true meaning of a serious man is a man who acts or speaks sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or half-hearted manner. However what I’ve found with slavic women is you need to combine serious with the other word they often use “strong man” what is a strong man? its a man who don’t get dictated to by a woman! a man who has the trousers in a relationship. Best working example is man meets woman on dating website, woman says to man i know a good restaurant now if man agrees to the woman’s request straight away often the woman will find the most $hit restaurant with over dressed micro food best way to deal with this is be a strong man and say to the woman with great respect ive been there but i know a better restaurant a man needs to keep control at all times... the actual meeting if a woman wants to meet you! if your paying the travel expenses its on your terms if she not like it theres other women. Women cant walk all over you... so this is serious and strong man! Ive diverted from the actual post but agree mainly what Billy has wrote in the fact that you have justified why you have no shirt on. However you have now put a shirt on which i find “interesting” interesting because don’t be dictated to by a woman but at same time it was actually good advise but the advise started out for the wider audience not you in my opinion! i agree with the girls that from a commercial dating aspect that profile picture semi nude will cut your audience by 50% due to the fact to most slavic women shirtless man = lack of dignity! Has you showing the whole internet your chest. You cant say its double standards because over 50% of the girls show no flesh on public pictures you can only call out the ones that do and do you want to lose the 50% + of the girls who don’t show flesh so yes its best removed.. my two responses to this post are 1... best humour I’ve read here in a long time 2.... you have showcased your personality well.. direct message women the forum is made up of over 50% of “damaged women” 3... it was only a matter of time before “character assassination” would take place on you when i seen the half nude profile picture i known it would only be a matter of time before it was used has propaganda against you it was never a question of your superb forum post being sidetracked and your profile being scrutinised. it was just a question of who and when someone would change the subject from which serious man? to the fact your not serious because of your naked chest its actually very cynical twisted and childish however typical forum and before you posted your article i known the reply’s you’d get ive not posted anything in forum for a year because it gets unwanted attention and i spent the summer in a relationship hence i didn’t want the negative publicity forum creates most the time. Nice to see Billy here honest and sincere has always too! Reply to your actual post i put has below
1... i can see Stalin has the Babushkas choice if your target woman is over 50 and Russian she will choose Stalin out of Soviet Nostalgia! However if the women is under 50 and from Ukraine she would choose the author has its more likely Stalin would send her to cold Siberia than sunny Istanbul ;-)
2.. Hitler this is the choice of the girls from ukraine or Siberia due to cold in Siberia or corruption in ukraine the girls could convince Hitler that killing people by gas is not such a good business idea and hes not got much chance against Zhukov anyway! To chose Hitler would of long term made a Ukrainian girl a oligarch princess and has a couple you could of been competitors to Gazprom!
3.. Erdogan this is the 5000/1 shot at the betting shop... when he met Putin, Putin famously got asked by him will he buy him a ice-cream Putin replys of course i will your my guest.. however within 10 seconds he has eliminated himself from this competition has whats the chances of getting a wedding ring off a bloke whos too greedy to buy ice-cream “greedy man”
4.. Steve Jobs this is the choice of the serial dater woman very handy to be married to Steve Jobs... if a man you meet off the internet buys you a Iphone and you accidentally crack the screen Steve is the man to fix it without the internet date knowing about the husband or Steve knowing about the man ;-)
5...being a seller on Ebay it be unprofessional of me to comment about a Amazon owner.. however i see him has a quick divorce has some Amazon items need sending back because there broken faulty or not fit for use
Runners and riders
Steve jobs 2/5
Jeff 6/5
Hitler 5/1
Stalin 8/1
Erdogan 5000/1
Winner gets a wife wife gets a iphone! Second gets some crap off Amazon 3rd prize a villa in Poland where even the animals don’t go! 4th holiday in a gulag in Siberia 5. Ive cream in Bodrum but only if the girls pay
1... i can see Stalin has the Babushkas choice if your target woman is over 50 and Russian she will choose Stalin out of Soviet Nostalgia! However if the women is under 50 and from Ukraine she would choose the author has its more likely Stalin would send her to cold Siberia than sunny Istanbul ;-)
2.. Hitler this is the choice of the girls from ukraine or Siberia due to cold in Siberia or corruption in ukraine the girls could convince Hitler that killing people by gas is not such a good business idea and hes not got much chance against Zhukov anyway! To chose Hitler would of long term made a Ukrainian girl a oligarch princess and has a couple you could of been competitors to Gazprom!
3.. Erdogan this is the 5000/1 shot at the betting shop... when he met Putin, Putin famously got asked by him will he buy him a ice-cream Putin replys of course i will your my guest.. however within 10 seconds he has eliminated himself from this competition has whats the chances of getting a wedding ring off a bloke whos too greedy to buy ice-cream “greedy man”
4.. Steve Jobs this is the choice of the serial dater woman very handy to be married to Steve Jobs... if a man you meet off the internet buys you a Iphone and you accidentally crack the screen Steve is the man to fix it without the internet date knowing about the husband or Steve knowing about the man ;-)
5...being a seller on Ebay it be unprofessional of me to comment about a Amazon owner.. however i see him has a quick divorce has some Amazon items need sending back because there broken faulty or not fit for use
Runners and riders
Steve jobs 2/5
Jeff 6/5
Hitler 5/1
Stalin 8/1
Erdogan 5000/1
Winner gets a wife wife gets a iphone! Second gets some crap off Amazon 3rd prize a villa in Poland where even the animals don’t go! 4th holiday in a gulag in Siberia 5. Ive cream in Bodrum but only if the girls pay