
Depends what you mean by smart was told other day that my written English is bad and the girl wantsa smart man.

My financial education is second to only the Elite! I have investments in all 4 asset classes understand assets cash flow and liability.

If im stupid why is it my money is booming right now and my friends with Phd cant even go to work and my friends with high street shops cant open them?

A smart girl wont judge and she want run before she can walk... last girl i dated i bought three sets of gifts for her. On a few occasions we only had one date lasting a week. I thought 💭 she was a smart girl initially. but asking for diamonds 💎 so near start of relationship shown her to be stupid.. most of the married girls build in steps! If a girl thinks shes smart and trys get things too fast it will take her ten years to find her man and then will have to settle for bad uncle!!  


