
Dear Marina,

A reply to your questions..
I am a man..and have read your questions and many of the replies on here.
Most men will wink...and they will try to wink younger women...because they are older.
They get excited doing's an ego boost for these men. It's fun.
Most of these men are delusional..and think that a woman...who is 20-25 years younger will really want to find a man who is that much older..But, many woman...are not looking for men who are that much older. A good age difference is..between 12 to 18 years difference.
This is a date will receive many....many winks....each day.
The men who are serious and genuinely interested....will take the time and write a letter...they will have a Gold be able to read and write letters...most men do not have a Gold they can not read or write letters...and they can only send winks...they do this pass their time..and are only online to look at women's photos...because they are bored and lonely...and many men are married and just want to get excited...looking at beautiful Russian and Ukraine women.
A serious man...will firstly buy a gold or platinum he can read and write letters.
The men who are genuine..and serious...will make an effort and put in the time to write nice letters.
A serious man...will then send a letter... if he is really interested....there is no reason to send a wink..only men with no paid membership..will wink you. If you don't want to receive winks...then Use filters.. select and choose which your criteria...the age range that suits you only get letters from men that you want...or choose to receive...NO WINKS...and only receive letters.
Select to view profiles from men in the countries that you're interested in...use the filters.
If you're interested in communicating with a man..there is nothing also be the first and wink show you're interested in him..Try to see how they respond. I hope this information helps.


