
Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Victor, thanks for your opinion very much. There are many women's opinions, but we can only assume. The translator from Spanish to Russian doesn’t work well here. So, I hope I understood your opinion correctly. You would like to have only own children because you want to see how your baby will grow up from the birth, right?
Ok, it is normal wish, bravo! I wish you to get what you dream about! )))

Yes, a woman feel her baby from the beginning, while he is inside her body, it is a miracle senses really. Probably, men can’t feel it the same way. But I am sure, that after baby’s birth, normal man, who really dreamed to become a father, when he holds his baby on hand the first time, really feels very emotionally and happy.
So, you haven’t a confidence to find right connection with child of the woman, who is not yours, right? Ok, this is your right. Thanks for shared your opinion with us.
I have an own opinion about it also. Sometimes, the second father can give much more than real (biological father). I mean – emotions, caring, training, attention etc. The real father sometimes only gives his “seeds” only, and after that ignore his baby. (of course, not everyone! Sorry, I didn’t want to offend anybody) Each child needs to be loved by parents, by both parents. But what can woman do if real father doesn’t love their child, doesn’t want to care about the baby, whom they planned and waited together?


