Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment
Екатерина, "не в бровь, а в глаз", браво! Я всегда с Вашими комментариями согласна, Вы всегда чётко, по делу и в "самое яблочко". У меня была точно такая же реакция на прочтенное. Напишу автору всё-таки ту же мысль, "повторенье - мать ученья"
Sabino, it's a bit weird that this thought came to your friend's mind only when time came to take real responsibility, isn't it? Why he was not thinking about it when started searching woman in gallery who 15-20 years younger?
Sabino, it's a bit weird that this thought came to your friend's mind only when time came to take real responsibility, isn't it? Why he was not thinking about it when started searching woman in gallery who 15-20 years younger?