My younger son-in-law is working in South Korea the third year and time by time my younger daughter with 2 small daughters visits this country and lives some months. It is very hard for them .Koreans have other mentality, other point of view and world view. It is very big difference from European people. The biggest part of them don't know English or other foreign languages. They usually marry in very old age or don't marry at all because the main purpose for them is their work and successful old age, not family. My daughter never met Korean men who married European or American women. It is very close society, Anna. People from others countries who live and work in Korea usually have own circle of friendship and conversation. I met in Internet women from former Soviet Union who married with Korean men but they were Koreans, too but were born not in Korea. I don't want to disappoint you but your dream isn't realistic. Some Koreans study in European universities. You can meet them when you will go to study in these universities if you have enough money for it. But as usual Korean students like their own community. My younger daughter studied with them in Finland.