
Information about photos.

Please avoid the photos where you have rotated the photo at an angle. In my opinion, it is not cute and only frustrates me. I don't want to have a sore neck from trying to see you at an angle.

I can tell you as a man, that I think about sex with my wife probably once every hour when we are apart! When I see a pretty woman, I notice her appearance and appreciate her, but I don't imagine sex with her. When it comes to pictures, I think that sex is like garlic in a salad. A little bit goes a long way. If you have 2 photos in your profile or 20 photos; I would suggest that the photos show you doing the things you like to do and have the photo invite the viewer to join you in whatever you are doing.

I suggest that if you are looking for a husband that you have ONE photo that is sexy in a very subtle way. My wife does this perfectly. Her photos are about where she is, what she is doing, something that is interesting and she has only sent me ONE sexy photo. In this photo she is lying on the bed in a train compartment. The only thing that is sexy is her beautiful eyes. I look at this photo and it says to me. "I want you, come to me!" I suggest that you post one mildly sexy photo in your profile. If the photos are openly sexy, the man seeing the photos will think that you want sex with any half way suitable man and as a man, I can say that I am not interested in a woman who is promiscuous.

If you have children, I suggest that 10% of the photos include your children in a family setting. Set up the photo so that the viewer can imagine himself included in the photo. If a man is not interested in including your young children in your new family, I suggest you find another man. If the man isn’t interested in your young children one of you will be unhappy in any marriage that follows. My wife has two sons. Our younger son is 19 and we are very close. Our older son is 29 and I am eager to have him included in family activities and I anticipate with pleasure, the idea of him joining us.


