
Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

The Christian faith contains several truly rational conceptual and historical nonsense . Now we are going off topic , but if you write to me privately I'll list this incredible number of absurdities and inconsistencies it contains, which we have inculcated as true small with the classic brainwashing, just as they did in the USSR with the belief in Marxism.
You are a Christian thanks to a Roman emperor who wanted to bring together two empires in Rome. Without Constantine you would believe in another religion.
Subsequently the Christian faith wherever they are imposed by the use of violence , like other monotheistic . Just study the history . In Spain alone by the Holy Inquisisione were killed thousands of men and women by Christian fanatics . Subsequently the fanatics killed entire populations native to South America, always under the guise of religion. The Crusades killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people and so on! These days some fanatics have killed innocent in Volgograd always in the name of religion!
As I write are always killed people in the name of some religion and again because of those who believe in absolute dogmas ! A turn of a fanatical religion they kill others to another and this happens everywhere in the world. On the contrary we never heard about scientists or men of science or thought provoking wars , massacres or abuses of power ! On the contrary , they have placed in the service of humanity 's knowledge and his wisdom .
I am against the single thought and forever , as long as I live ! Just the thought makes man free , and with an ethic serious, solid , strong, based on reason and not on other components , not the individual BELIEVE IT! Or do you think , or believe , says Schopenhauer !
Do you question everything and never believe in things unproven and you will be much happier , having also a lot more consciousness in yourself. Only in this way when you love , you love with your rational consciousness and not on impulse like animals ! This alone distinguishes man from beast : the reason !


