На Чудском озере Псков каждый год проводит военно-историческую реконструкцию, посвященную победе Александра Невского над рыцарями Ливонского ордена в 1242 году. Это знаменитое Ледовое побоище. В реконструкции принимают участие многие города России, а также Украины и Белоруссии.
Pskov each year conducts military-historical reconstruction dedicated to the victory of Alexander Nevsky over the knights of the Livonian Order in 1242 at Lake Peipus. This famous the Battle on the Ice. In the reconstruction take part of many Russian cities, as well as Ukraine and Belarus.
Pskov each year conducts military-historical reconstruction dedicated to the victory of Alexander Nevsky over the knights of the Livonian Order in 1242 at Lake Peipus. This famous the Battle on the Ice. In the reconstruction take part of many Russian cities, as well as Ukraine and Belarus.