
Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

about what i desire and their different axis :

-physical : a female with high cheek bones with little snub nose,with nordic features,i'am interrested by 4 kind of phenotypes :
blue eyes for the 4,natural blonde with chromatic shades going from white to golden,chromatic blondish red,chromatic reddish blond,redhead pigments only natural,skin aspect i have a fetish for skin alabaster,snow white transluscent but it's mostly for the redheads and in rare cases for some blondes
i like them slender,well proportionated,well-toned , i like them busty to very busty with apple shape form
in average high range,with a body fat proportion of 25% more or less,but i'am a bit flexible it's depend
i like them steamy(see below the definition),fresh,healthy, and above all non high maintenance,but she could be sexy without excess
-sexual : non sexually conservative means non prudish,uptight,non dictate by a religious dogma etc.... after for the rest it's our buisness
as i'am a moderate extravert i'am looking for my contrary a decent moderate intravert,not necessary too shy or autist-like,someone near of my way of thinking
an ethno-differencialist like me,but also progressive but with white preferences leaving aside all the racist prism someone who had take her distances with the traditionnal political environmnent and opposed to the school of frankfurt mostly ,things needs to be developped .someone who don't care about the pre-thinked by third parties,no more third parties.
-geographical : from iceland to oural,explaination : i'am restrictive on purpose maybe too restrictive, but the idea was to start from a core, to learn,to read etc...
-my tartgeted areas :iceland,norway,finland,republic of karelie,russia until oural,kalingrad territory,belaruss,ukraine,sweden,denmark,estonia, latvia,lithuania,northern germany,northern netherlands
-anthopological : phenotypes my range is going from :hallstat nordid,corded,tronder,faelid,brunn,keltic-nordid,north-atlandid,subnordid,borreby,baltid,west-baltid and alpinid because i'am
-genetical ,my first approach was to find someone carrying the blondness gene called kit legand (rs4590952)
comportemental/behaviour/sociological/political/cultural part 2 : the countries that i'am targeting have different point of view related to sexuality,religion, male-female relationships,male-female equality,roles, where it's the frog
-but i have the idea to find someone from a middle town saying between 20.000 to 10000,even from the countryside but connected to the modern world,(i live in a suburbian town of 28.000) not religious crazy ,i accept : christianism,taoism,boudhism,shintoism,paganism,but also atheism or a form of agnosticism
saying that i don't believe in the fayrytales of the monotheistic dogmas, but you have the right to believe, if you feel better like that i'am a defender of freedom ,freedom it's the most sacred thing that we have , no i'am not going on this path,afterlife,astral trip and tutti quanti because it's takes hours to argues and explain
comportemental/behaviour/sociological/political/cultural part 2 continued :
we have our free wheel it's not fixed but third parties institutions(political,religious,economical,etc..) want think at our place is no more possible
but i'am terrible to surround the female behaviour i confess,related to myself and to the dating process in a general manner,the girl that i'am looking for, need to be in an absolutly manner on the same line than me, i know my standards are quite specifics and i can't find that on basic dating websites, it's demand psychology,i'am quite enough demonstrative hope your are able to gave me good advices because is enough complicated like that.
this relation will be framed,only on a long-term trusty unique whole monoamory.

Steamy :is most often used as an adjective to describe the appearance of an individual. It can be a substitute word for 'hot', 'sexy', etc.
An individual who is steamy is often highly desirable, very good-looking/attractive, and normally has a great body. They also bring a 'steaminess' with them when they enter a room.
Being called steamy is often better than any other compliment one could receive (ie. hot, sexy, attractive, cute) Steamy people are a very rare breed. Being called steamy is something to be very proud and flattered about.


