Agree 100% with what Doug wrote:
Any man who is truly a man, will love, be loyal and faithful to his wife and family.
Anything else shows a pathetic weakness of character and lack of moral integrity.
This deplorable condition that cannot be corrected with any amount of money.
Your claim all men cheat on their wives is absurd and foolish; speak only for yourself.
Maybe everyone cheats where you came from; but where I came from we do not have the morals of dogs;
my parents taught us to be better than that, so don’t insult the rest of us who have integrity.
Betraying the partner to whom you have made a commitment is tragic.
This the sick condition of a person with no credibility and no moral imperative.
Cheating is living a life that is a lie.
Even if a cheater keeps their lies a secret, the cheater still knows who and what they are.
What kind of person is this?
Maybe this is why some people don’t wish to be married; they are weak and their character flaws don’t permit them to be honest, faithful and loyal.
Only the morally corrupted and the weakest of mankind would destroy their own life and happiness by floating their entire life on lie.
A personality so devoid of integrity, that they willingly betray those in life that have the greatest belief in them.........
This goes for men and women.
Any man who is truly a man, will love, be loyal and faithful to his wife and family.
Anything else shows a pathetic weakness of character and lack of moral integrity.
This deplorable condition that cannot be corrected with any amount of money.
Your claim all men cheat on their wives is absurd and foolish; speak only for yourself.
Maybe everyone cheats where you came from; but where I came from we do not have the morals of dogs;
my parents taught us to be better than that, so don’t insult the rest of us who have integrity.
Betraying the partner to whom you have made a commitment is tragic.
This the sick condition of a person with no credibility and no moral imperative.
Cheating is living a life that is a lie.
Even if a cheater keeps their lies a secret, the cheater still knows who and what they are.
What kind of person is this?
Maybe this is why some people don’t wish to be married; they are weak and their character flaws don’t permit them to be honest, faithful and loyal.
Only the morally corrupted and the weakest of mankind would destroy their own life and happiness by floating their entire life on lie.
A personality so devoid of integrity, that they willingly betray those in life that have the greatest belief in them.........
This goes for men and women.