Привет !
I have read very carefully your letter and i must say that you have been very unlucky!
Many of the men who are in this site are looking for someone special who can not get in our countries (in my case i don't want). But there are ALWAYS stupid and soulless who think that with all women east europe can have "free sex".
This is not real, but ovbiously, if there are men who think it, there are women also think that they want to b in west europe and all men are rich!
I'm here like i say in a previous line that i'm looking for a woman here because i don't want any spanish woman!
And i WILL FIND HER here sure! i don't mind how much time it takes.
So finally you have had bad luck, but NEVER think that men are like that , you'll find a man who will give you what you want and will make you happy