Ekaterina, 1st of all be sure of what you want and where do you want to develope your psychiatry university degree! And when you know then look at the conditions in that country!
2nd When it's all OK, learn the language is spoken in that country: Dutch, English, German, Spanish, or which you want, because if you don't speak it fluently you won't have any chance!
And now! C'mon Eric what the hell are you speaking about?
Problems in Netherlands with a very high unemployment? Your percentage of unemployment is a 7%!!!
Here in my country is even worst and you have to know unemployment is 25% and 50% of people under 35 has no job!
Don't say her those bad things! It's ba bad situation everywhere, but i think that in your country is not as worst as you say if you compare your situation with Spain, Greece, Ukraine or Russia!