
Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hi Olga Yes it can be especially in some areas but not everywhere. My daughter is 15 and she walks 4klm i thinks it is about 8 miles from school back home every day I drop her of in the mornings on my way to work but after school she walks back home without any problem a lot of kids walk or ride bicycle to school and back every day. Its more where you live that is the deciding factor. Maybe there in Russia there are some areas that it’s not save too i don’t know? If you go towards the squatter camps and certain areas in mid Johannesburg yes then i agree its not save. I don’t know how the crime are there where you guys live i think all over the world are crime, robbery's, murder and such things here its more in the news for sensation but i don’t think that there is a country that’s spared that most holiday destinations are more patrolled by police all over the world so it looks saver but i think crime are everywhere. Hope that helped and answered your question but pls feel free and ask and I will answer them for you. Me and everyone here don’t want the world to be scared to come and visit our country.


