
Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Ok let’s start on the apartheid we gave it the name “apartheid” that was a big mistake the same thing are going on is lots of country’s Australia with the Aborigine that are in the driest and desolate areas there, USA the Indians that was stuck in reservations, there are hundreds of such samples even in today’s live it still happen and then I don’t talk about Africa I am talking about first nation countries. And yes there are some against the white people now too but it’s used by the black people as a gemmy to get the votes of the others but the middle class blacks are starting to see threw it and they don’t belief that the apartheid are still the cause of everything incorrect in the country The HIV in the country is because the lifestyle and culture of the black people here and that is the problem in most of Africa. They don’t belief in condoms, birth control and they belief in multiple sex partners. But with current teachings it is starting to bear fruit and they are starting to use it especially the middle class blacks. In the squatter camps it is still a problem because it’s against their beliefs because it’s a white man’s invention so the witchdoctors and traditional healers are against that. They are a very superstitious race believing in the “sjangoma” , “tokkelossie” and so forth. That is why Africa as a continent has the most HIV cases in the world. Remember Africa is a 3rd world continent and we South Africa are the main developed and advanced part of the continent and we get flooded by people from all over Africa with their beliefs and customs so it’s a battle to change their old traditional beliefs for western beliefs. The High Employment is because of all the unschooled immigrants flooding into South Africa for a better life mostly, but the government are constantly busy with work creation programs and upgrading their life and beliefs. But we are slowly but surely getting there 


