
Reply to Hanna on View the commented comment

It seems some on this forum need a crash course on the economics of sex.

There is a video on YouTube that could provide this.

It's hardly fair to criticize women for being interested in resources while ignoring the market the man is voluntarily participating in.

There are many reasons for a western man to seek Eastern European women but we shouldn't pretend that higher male market value isn't one.

like a snake in the grass, a man can market himself as a man seeking marriage to increase his market value.

Women know this and smart women can extract from the situation; why be surprised when they do?

Personally, I look forward to being older when this frustrating market is irrelevant. It doesn't make sense to me for a man in his 50's to seek a woman in baby making age unless he's trying to exploit her desire to have children.

I'm not trying to criticize. I get it. Young women are intoxicating. It's science.

I just think the original poster would be better served if he was honest with himself
About what he's looking for.


