Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment
If the woman wants money for clothes to look good for her man and to feel special i am more than happy to buy these clothes for her has long as she is realistic in her expectations! There is a big difference between a nice pair of shoes of quality and a over priced pair of shoes. Its about the material used, colour and quality not just about it being a huge name brand! A woman with style should be able to make clothes look good as much as the clothes make her look good with her fasion ideas and lets face it theres many women in your country who can do this. Like the word make-up cosmetics is called in west make-up due to fact it makes up for what is a natural imperfection. Since i started my task of finding a serious relationship one woman ive not even met asked on message if i would get her a $400 doller pair of shoes! (In england there are very few shoes this expensive) Lets put this in prospective should we? A teacher in kiev can earn $25 a week. If a woman wants 16 weeks wages in 1 pair of shoes that pair of shoes could educate a class of children for 16 weeks So from that request i know this woman is not the woman for me. Having a pair of $400 shoes on your feet whilst other people in your country would be happy for a man to provide food which is a everyday struggle is morally wrong! If i was to pay for a pair of shoes which you couldnt afford due to low wages and a dress to look nice and me to be proud to be with you at the national opera for example knowing your my woman and special to me and you to feel cherished and my princess for example is different.. so my answer is it depends on the motive of the woman and realistic expectations. This i feel answers the question for me hope it does the same for you and others who read it. Also sorry i didnt always include Belarus in with Russia and Ukraine and same with any smaller states also. The answer is a genaral example only... meaning a woman in genaral noone in perticular