
Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

Hello, Neo! The topic of equality arises on the forum again and again. Equality as a social phenomenon exists only in the western world. Unfortunately, women in Russia and Eastern Europe don't know what equality means and how it can be - be equal with a man (!). If you want to find a woman here, you have to take this fact into account. If not, you'd better search among local women who are equal with the men and there's no need to spend money for tickets, visa and adaptation.
What does equality mean to me personally - 1) both are nearly of the same age, 2) both have a good social status - a job (the salary can be, of course, different because we have different living standards, 3) both do not have any credits in any banks, 4) both do not have any relatives who need to be taken care of. This list can be continued.. The question is - who are the both looking for?
I've got two friends of mine who married the western men. One is an American and one is an Englishman. The American guy came to Ukraine 6-7 times to visit her and they got married here, in Ukraine. She was 38 y.o. and he was 36. Now they have been living in the USA for about 10 years. She's got a green card this year.
The Englishman made two tries, he came to Ukraine twice and met two other ladies who he didn't like. And only the third try was successful - it was my friend. He was 59 and she was 50. He started coming to visit her every 5th Friday during half a year. Then, the first attempt to get a visa for her to the UK was a failure. Then, he bought a VIP visa for her at 1000 eurous. They have been living in the UK now for two years. She passed all English exams and got a residence this year that gives her the right to find a job at last.
Both those men didn't think about or expect equality from their women. They understood that their women didn't have the financial opportunity to come to visit them in their countries, they just loved them and and acted and were ready to sacrifice.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart to find an equal lady on this site. Good luck!


