It is a difficult question. It is difficult for younger women here to find someone decent as well. I met my first husband not at dating site. It was site where people could place adds, my add was even without a photo and consisted of 2 sentences. I met another boyfriend at social network where people shared music and other stuff. It never worked with a dating site for me. At dating sites there is too much choice and man can't concentrate on 1 woman. When I was younger I received very many mails a day from dating sites, but it never worked, because man can't stop on one person and goes further on, too much choice and everybody wants only someone ideal. Another problem is that many men that come to dating sites can't support a family, many want only shared expenses and this might be a problem. Other men that work, do their business, usually don't hang in a net. Most likely the person that would fit me doesn't spend much time on these sites as he has a lot of interesting things in his real life going on and doesn't waste it too much on Internet. So the chances to meet such person are even less. Another problem might be that with years people become more cautious and prejudiced, it becomes more difficult to open a heart to somebody, to get used to somebody, there is less tolerance and as a result opportunities might close before them. They either don't take the chances or don't see these chances when they are before them.