Thank you, Mark, for your sincere advice, I don't feel offended in any way, I don't know why you thought I would.
As Мария noticed (in the first comment), what counts is not quantity, but quality, and I completely agree with that. I am not looking for thousands, I am looking for exactly one person. It doesn't have to be neither a professor at the university, nor miss universum, it should simply be the RIGHT person. Спасибо, Мария!
The reason why I asked the question was because a few girls who had sent their first message to me and we continued the conversation, told me that I looked like a valuable person and stood out among the other men on this website. At the same time huge majority of girls to whom I sent a message first, had different opinion. I was simply surprised by such disparity.
Natalya, I'm looking for a much younger person, because I don't feel very well among people at my age or older, they are usually very serious, constantly talking about problems, they are not spontaneous. I feel best among people who are around 22-25 years old. Most of my friends are below 30. Is it bad?
P.S. Losing my facial hair is not an option - for some reason my skin is extremely sensitive to shaving and I look terrible afterwards.