
Reply to Ridvan on View the commented comment

To be fair, lots of people aren't here just because they can't find somebody local or because they are out of options. Myself, I find much more in common with Slavic women and therefore they are my first choice - not my last. Making that accusation reveals a lot.

Ben, having spent a semester in Istanbul, I don't think listing Turkey as a location is really a negative - there are lots of Slavic women in Turkey, happily married to Turks. I would guess that it's in the top 5 countries for Slavic women to marry. It's not polite (or necessarily correct) to speak down like that based on their country of origin or residence.

Among the time-wasters, there are some gems here that are very suitable, but honestly I think your chance of success is pretty low if you are gravitating towards the 25-34 crowd. Each person has their preferences, but I suggest being realistic with the age gap and perhaps your chances will improve. Many women want a partner, not another father. I hope you find your match.


