
Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I have been with great women at Moscow and SPB, it was a nice time spendng there. More If I never knew them nor have sustained contact before my trip.

usually the man paid the first dinning but after more interaction, I have experimented women trying to offer me food and attention, BUT not all women have enough money with their regular work, it is a reallity. The best is when they fed me with what was offered and I never care if it was a luxury dish in a fancy restaurant or a simple bread with red IKRA with butter; even I have received simple christmas presents ordinary compared with the Tequila, Regional candies of my city and some toys for the grandson of a great lady I met twice there. It is the intention of sincere and real people who gives the most from them, the warm mood and care toward you - me in this case-.

And I have spent a nice and lovely time there at Moscow and SPB, made young and old men friends.

My income here is regular and I feel low paid due to the type of tasks I do ( It is not the same level of economics compared with Germany, Japan, Findland, even USA). My income here is very high but not at the same lever as "First world countries".

I can travel overseas twice a year, I have my new and beautiful home, I continue support economically my last two children ( here by law I am obligated to give money until 25 years old if they are in school).

I analyzed how is it and If I divide the minimum payment "Salario Mínimo" with the value in pesos of One US Dollar, I saw the same ratio since more than 20 years ago. SO the economy is tied to external interests who set up the relation of money exchange and the level of richness of a country.

At the time they asked me how I lived, they were shocked by the amount of money I earn.

I am not rich nor poor, but I lived in peace caring mom at her home  


