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Interesting Point, I want to do business in Russia, and I have been asked to find internet JOB, I suggested freelance where anyone can find a JOB worldwide.

But I have the facility to have international contacts due to the nature of my work and professional connections.

If in your life you find a "Free Lunch", will you decline it???

As for example our great David encourage men as to do a financial courtesy with ladies who are not able / ready to pay..... for dating.

So nobody refuses a "HELP", unless you untrust people and have had bad experiences.

Emotionally, nobody gives or do something for nothing, even in the most spirituall.

Then there are internal triggers in our living experiences and early years of education that motivates persons to behave in different scenarios.

The point is what is behind in What we think and never say in words, but we say with our corporal body language"?

what is the final intention?? Only real meetings is the way to check and have that trust in persons.

My motivation is to find the best way to live legally at Russia with VISA, with the less risk for me and the persons who surround me.

If I live by myself as a student, it is only my concern.

If I live doing business with mutual benefits for me and my partner, OK! But then enters the final motivation of the second actor in the "Movie".

If I live there by marry again, it is a big responsability and a lot to win and a lot to lose. It is the most risky situation as you involve a civil union, feelings, rights, a big amount of money for traveling and to cover the expenses of regular life. For me this is the most extreme situation and to find your half side is more dangerous than a bad business relationship.

The final point is, what is the best choice ???

To find a trusted partner, no matter case 2 or case 3, is only showed by interaction with people.

If I lose the trust and confidence with persons due to a "Trick", the damage is the level of compromise,

what are the risks??

case 1, have bad notes at University and spend my money on it,

case 2, have untrusted people spending my money with the risk of a bad business,

case 3, have a broken relation with someone who at the end will not match with our motivations and the level of losses are BIG, REALLY BIG. then me Marry again??? It will takes time, and a lot of investment in efforts and resources....

For me this is the most risk and serious step to do.

About dating women, let me say as for respect to my known persons I met, it was like heaven in the promises...

Best regards, I consider this topic has been commented a lot and I no further discuss about it.



