Я думаю, это стремление сбежать: кризис затрагивает все сферы жизни общества. Мы лишены права выбора -- есть только иллюзия. Граждане в России отчуждены от принятия каких-либо решений. Мы - лишние люди, нас лишили безопасности и перспективы. Возможно, мой ответ вам покажется несколько пессиместичным, зато честно.
I think this is the desire to escape: the crisis affects all aspects of society. We are deprived of the right to choose - there is only an illusion. Russian citizens are alienated from making any decisions. We - the unnecessary people we were deprived of security and prospects. Perhaps my answer will seem somewhat pessimestichnym, but honestly.
I think this is the desire to escape: the crisis affects all aspects of society. We are deprived of the right to choose - there is only an illusion. Russian citizens are alienated from making any decisions. We - the unnecessary people we were deprived of security and prospects. Perhaps my answer will seem somewhat pessimestichnym, but honestly.