I've been blocked a couple of times here, but it was either from a person that I had never communicated with before (I suppose they didn't fit my search criteria?) or because I hadn't read or responded to their messages and blocking me was a type of revenge, I suppose. (men without memberships can't read or reply to messages, sorry!). If you've been blocked multiple times while conversing, then yeah, you've done something wrong.
There are some very clear lines that you'll need to learn and follow if you want to be successful here. It takes a while to build trust, but it can be destroyed instantly. You'll need to realize what those topics and limits are, and be very careful not to step over them. They don't owe you that explanation of why they blocked you and I can't imagine why you expect to hear it, but you need to learn those things on your own. My advice - leave the talk about intimacy out entirely, don't go near it. If you absolutely require that type of conversation, distance dating is probably not right for you, or vice-versa.
There are some very clear lines that you'll need to learn and follow if you want to be successful here. It takes a while to build trust, but it can be destroyed instantly. You'll need to realize what those topics and limits are, and be very careful not to step over them. They don't owe you that explanation of why they blocked you and I can't imagine why you expect to hear it, but you need to learn those things on your own. My advice - leave the talk about intimacy out entirely, don't go near it. If you absolutely require that type of conversation, distance dating is probably not right for you, or vice-versa.