
Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, I think you have badly misunderstood the people on this site.

1) The women here are the most serious about marriage that I've seen on any dating site. Women in the post-Soviet space are far more dedicated to marriage, and maintaining that marriage, than any other women I've seen. Act in ways that make you deserve that dedication.
2) The women here do not want to hear about your past with women, or what your other interactions are with them, I can't express enough how much of a turn-off this is. These women only care about the person in front of them. I think your baggage is severely clouding your vision.
3) Rants about religious, political and social norms are not attractive - they make you sound unhinged. If you can't hold a conversation with a woman without making sweeping generalizations like that, you'll never be happy.
4) There are absolutely good women where we live, too. Feminism has not "ruined women". By the sounds of it, you're surrounded by all the wrong people, and mistakenly think that all women are the same. That's foolish.

This has nothing to do with women being liberal or conservative. Many of the women here who have children were also married to an immature, inadequate man. Almost every woman here has a story about the men in their country being terrible partners, that's why they're on this website, and willing to uproot their entire lives for love. But they'll never tell you that because it's in the past, and they're looking to the future. Most of the women believed very much in love and family with their previous men, but the relationships can't be saved when the man is only interested in leisure and sex, and doesn't work to support the family. As such, those women are very careful to not make the same mistake, but I regret to say it's possible they see the exact same thing in you (heck, your profile says you're retired).

If you are a stable, interesting and open-minded man, there is no reason why you can't find a wonderful woman here. I met someone from in this site in the past who was a great young woman, and is happily married to a foreigner now. When we met, we didn't have sex, or even discuss the prospect of it. Honestly, if you're genuinely interested in a relationship, the ability for a man to keep his pants on is very attractive to a woman, it tells her that you're not just there for physical satisfaction. But it sounds like you're so caught up in false assumptions that you'll struggle badly at every stage in this, and it sounds like you're hung up on sex as the main topic, which will make anyone run away. Dustin, forget everything you know about women. Don't compare them to anyone you know, don't talk about what you assume they think. Start from scratch and listen, and for the love of God, leave out the talk of intimacy before meeting them, it's creepy.


