
Reply to Anastasiya on View the commented comment

I should explain   The women with near 100% response rates in my age bracket are typically the mercantile types of women, or women who hold dull conversations (likely because there are too many active conversations to spend time on!). If a young woman responds to absolutely everything, there is less of a chance she actually knows what she wants, and less chance that she's actually serious about finding it. I would estimate that at least half of women younger than I am don't stay on the site longer than a month, anyway. Many vanish by the second day. I don't waste my time in such cases. In people who are more mature, a 100% response rate is probably a better thing to see since the correspondence will be more polite and sincere, although I still think some messages don't deserve a response, such as rude or offensive messages, and messages from people far outside of one's search parameters. Your results may vary!


