Переписываюсь с мужчиной, который увлечен русской культурой и ищет славянскую женщину. Хочу привести выдержки из его письма, в котором он описывает достоинства славянских женщин. Переводить с английского не буду, боюсь не смогу передать эти эмоции...
a. Slavic women have an aura or halo of being melancholic, enigmatic, and mysterious, which I like very much. How can I be in love if my woman lost all of the mysterious side she has? I have to be in love with her soul and her soul has to always to be a mystery to me.
b. Slavic women know what sacrifice means; they are aware about effort; they are not afraid about difficulties; they are not superficial or frivolous.
с. Slavic women are very intelligent and had a very good education, speaking overall; it doesn't matter if they don't have money, they are educated. That's one of the things the Soviet Union left, the public education system.
d. Slavic woman are more affectionate and emotionally sophisticated that other women, so they can understand a man better.
e. Slavic women are more family oriented and are looking for a stable relationship.
f. And, in addition to all of that, Slavic women are beautiful!
Так думают мужчины, а нам остается только согласиться.
И еще добавлю о его впечатлениях о поездке в Украину:
It is true also that the Slavic women are the best in the world... (at least for me). One day I stay in a corner of a street for one hour with the purpose of finding an "ugly" woman, and I couldn't!!! Some normal, the majority beautiful, but nobody "ugly"... that’s a strange kind of mysterious, magnetic, enigmatic, and beautiful people...
a. Slavic women have an aura or halo of being melancholic, enigmatic, and mysterious, which I like very much. How can I be in love if my woman lost all of the mysterious side she has? I have to be in love with her soul and her soul has to always to be a mystery to me.
b. Slavic women know what sacrifice means; they are aware about effort; they are not afraid about difficulties; they are not superficial or frivolous.
с. Slavic women are very intelligent and had a very good education, speaking overall; it doesn't matter if they don't have money, they are educated. That's one of the things the Soviet Union left, the public education system.
d. Slavic woman are more affectionate and emotionally sophisticated that other women, so they can understand a man better.
e. Slavic women are more family oriented and are looking for a stable relationship.
f. And, in addition to all of that, Slavic women are beautiful!
Так думают мужчины, а нам остается только согласиться.
И еще добавлю о его впечатлениях о поездке в Украину:
It is true also that the Slavic women are the best in the world... (at least for me). One day I stay in a corner of a street for one hour with the purpose of finding an "ugly" woman, and I couldn't!!! Some normal, the majority beautiful, but nobody "ugly"... that’s a strange kind of mysterious, magnetic, enigmatic, and beautiful people...