
Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Ok. AGAIN AS I SAID....I ASKED ABOUT WOMEN THAT DECEIVE ABOUT HAVING KIDS OR BEING MARRIED. YES BOTH ARE HERE. I ASK FROM MY POINT OF VIEW...AN HONEST MANS POINT OF VIEW. FOR ARGUMENTS SALE FEEL FREE TO TALK ABOUT YOUR OWN EXAMPLE BUT IF YOU READ. I ASKED FOR WOMEN'S OPINIONS AND MEN TO LEAVE ANY EXAMPLES THEY HAD. No doubt people lie here but what you see is what you get with me. That's why I give me Skype and Viber and Skype almost immediately TO ERASE DOUBT and build trust IMMEDIATELY. For those ladies that have been lied to...surely You pushed it ASKED to see his life or family or his flat..maybe You should call or text when He doesn't expect it. I do that and I can almost always tell what is being hidden.  I thank you for your opinion but I ask WHY it happens. I want to understand the reasons for it..not that it happened. Maybe they are hopeful for better or as we say "they think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence!"  So..please share why you think it happens or why you do it..both men and women. IT'S A LIE PLAIN AND SIMPLE AND IT'S A DEAL BREAKER FOR ME 


