Reply to David on View the commented comment
Thank you, much appreciated. I know I am not perfect. I am sure I have caused some of this without doubt. I am in love, first time in many years I gave my heart away. I take it very serious and I am dedicated to her till it ends. The end is what saddens me, to put so much effort into a long distance relation and feel like I never do anything right. I have been clingy, yes. I have even ignored her for a day or two and slowed my communication over two weeks. Only to be told I am rude and behavior unexceptionable. I can not seem to even things out between us. That is why I posted here. Opinions of other people. I also look for opinion before I drop a few thousand dollars on the next trip. I ask, do you think it is worth fighting for, or am I a fool. I am a hopeless romantic and believe in the heart and in true love. Sorry I am so soft. But when I have had enough I am done, I do not care if they pull their panties off, finished.