
Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

A very good point Natalya.  It is so hard to trust, especially if we have been in one long term relationship where we have only trusted that one person.  Or if we have been on-line and have been scammed, or anything else.  I read a post in a different area just a little earlier where someone from I believe it was Germany asked why women do not like to Skype right away. I believe there are several differences.  One, it is definitely an age thing.  For him and maybe me, I am not from a generation where we wrote e-mails or letters in order to get to know someone.  We had no other real choice but to see them face to face.  So for me it is a matter of being able to see someone.  You can tell so much from the look on someones face, even if the language barrier is difficult.  The other reason is that being scammed thing.  If I, or the other person on the other end isn't who the pictures we have showing, it is going to tell us something immediately.  However, at the same time, there are a lot of men out there that are not wanting to skype for the same reason as I do, and there is no way of knowing.  It is a terrible situation for all of us to be in.  But in order to find that possible perfect relationship, we have to decide who to take a chance on.  It is hard isn't it?


