How was said some ladies before - its depend from how much man care about his beard...from this depend - man looks like hero or looks like homeless.
As for me - i like men with beards) and skinhead))) but my husband looking younger without beard.
And my opinion (if its intetesting) - in your case also you looking younger without beard. But maybe could try smth betweenn without beard and long beard (like on profile picture). That it was shorter and abit more open face from sides. Would be interesting to see.
Wish you all the best with your partner and maybe will see your post in theme "Couples and congratulates"!
How was said some ladies before - its depend from how much man care about his beard...from this depend - man looks like hero or looks like homeless.
As for me - i like men with beards) and skinhead))) but my husband looking younger without beard.
And my opinion (if its intetesting) - in your case also you looking younger without beard. But maybe could try smth betweenn without beard and long beard (like on profile picture). That it was shorter and abit more open face from sides. Would be interesting to see.
Wish you all the best with your partner and maybe will see your post in theme "Couples and congratulates"!