
Reply to Stephan on View the commented comment

A man who cannot afford to provide a woman financially - this man can also love and be loved... But you may to understand... The perception of love by an 18 year old's girl is very different from the perception of love by a 30 year old woman.... I will give an example from a personal example: about 10 years ago I loved a man who could not afford to provide me financially .... could not, or he did not work enough for this...
   Yes, it was fun, cool, comfortable and romantic with him, as if I was 18 years old, although I was already under 30 then, but this "condition of love" was not enough for me at my age , already... With all my deepest love for him, I left him after 2 years of relationship. Because it did not correspond to my main priority, which formed over time with me when choosing a partner for life: my man should provide me financially, and only one love as a foundation is not enough for me...( Having worked in the office from sunrise to sunset, I realized that I did not want to work, I want to do myself, my favorite things, hobbies, home, husband. I want to meet my husband from work in a good mood, and not tired and squeezed after work like a lemon. This does not mean that I am lazy. I will be happy to work if my husband, for example, opens a small shop selling coffee and chocolate for me to make me more happy than I am now...) But you should understand: this work will be like a hobby for me, for the soul, where I am my own.
If you read the forum, you will understand that not all women are like me... Many are willing and wanting to work in a new country after they get married. Therefore, I believe: who seeks- will finds. But everything needs to be discussed , and if there is true love, then compromises will be found by themselves in 70% of cases.

I didn’t just give an example about my friend... With this example, I wanted to say that you need to match the partner, as well as really weigh your capabilities and desires. If it is hard for you to financially provide a future wife or bride, then it is better to look for love among your compatrios , woman from your country. You should understand , that bringing a foreign bride is even more expensive than looking among your own. In addition, do you realize that self-respecting woman will run from the plane's trap upon arrival to work in your country ? She needs to be taught, she needs help, she needs to be given financial support , 1st... In your profile, you indicated the income level as "good." I suppose that then no difficulties should arise at all if there is a sincere desire to bring a foreign bride.
With respect , Tanya.


