Много можно было бы сказать по данной, неизменно популярной теме, но из основного вот что, пожалуй:
- О мужчинах, провозглашающих идею "возраст = зрелость", у меня создается обратное впечатление - впечатление НЕзрелости. Особенно тогда, когда даётся привязка не просто к возрасту, а к возрастной разнице "минус 20-40 лет" между женщиной и мужчиной.
- Есть зрелые мужчины примерно одинакового возраста с женщиной - просто потому что зрелые, сделавшие себя, а не потому, что они старше женщины на пару-тройку десятков лет. Если же мужчина предлагает за свою "зрелость" такую плату, как зашкаливающая разница в возрасте, - я ответила бы "спасибо, не надо", так как такая цена представляется мне неадекватно и абсурдной.
Впрочем, моё мнение по таким вопросам и так известно, поэтому, может быть, интереснее будет привести мнение, альтернативное позиции автора темы. Это мнение мне ближе, и не только потому, что это мнение моего мужа So this alternative man opinion is such
I would like to start by saying that I am a 50 year old American man, so….
Although there are examples of vast age differences “working” in the context of a committed relationship, I call into question anyone intentionally looking for it. Furthermore, there is nothing mature about a so called mature (much) older man looking to pick up a significantly younger woman. Consider the following:
50 year old man, and a 25 year old woman:
- Aside from the pillow they may share, what exactly would a so called mature 50 year old man want with a 25 year old woman who less than 6 years prior graduated from High School? Perhaps, they might share some interest is classical music?
- The 25 year old woman, most likely, will want to start a family will the 50 year old man?
- 50 year old and 25 year olds tend to think differently not to mention tend to associate with people their relative age. Imagine, being 50 and you are going out with your 25 year old date and her 5 friends to the latest dance club…
- Add 15 years to their ages, now he is 65 and most likely looking at some sort of retirement. It is also fair to say the divide between them will widen given the generational disparity. Upon this background risk of divorce could be much higher than might otherwise be the case
65 year old man, and a 45 year old woman:
- The man will most likely be having certain male specific issues or soon will be so the woman might be looking at a more plutonic relationship sooner than later
- The man is probably going to start becoming more focused on his health, and guess what ladies you will be to (on his health that is). Moreover, you may well be your “much older” man’s nurse in the near future to. (There is a saying in the USA “marry a much younger woman so she can take care of you when your older”)
All that said, I can tell you honestly that there is nothing noble or innocent about a man looking for a significantly younger woman. I personally, had numerous opportunities with much younger women (I was 48, some of them were 27) that I passed on (and would again). For me, there is nothing more appealing than being with someone you care about and love that you can grow old together with…so ladies please don’t buy the cheap cigar that certain men will try and sell you [ie. An old * trying to tell you that you really want him because he has sooooo very much to offer you].
- О мужчинах, провозглашающих идею "возраст = зрелость", у меня создается обратное впечатление - впечатление НЕзрелости. Особенно тогда, когда даётся привязка не просто к возрасту, а к возрастной разнице "минус 20-40 лет" между женщиной и мужчиной.
- Есть зрелые мужчины примерно одинакового возраста с женщиной - просто потому что зрелые, сделавшие себя, а не потому, что они старше женщины на пару-тройку десятков лет. Если же мужчина предлагает за свою "зрелость" такую плату, как зашкаливающая разница в возрасте, - я ответила бы "спасибо, не надо", так как такая цена представляется мне неадекватно и абсурдной.
Впрочем, моё мнение по таким вопросам и так известно, поэтому, может быть, интереснее будет привести мнение, альтернативное позиции автора темы. Это мнение мне ближе, и не только потому, что это мнение моего мужа So this alternative man opinion is such
I would like to start by saying that I am a 50 year old American man, so….
Although there are examples of vast age differences “working” in the context of a committed relationship, I call into question anyone intentionally looking for it. Furthermore, there is nothing mature about a so called mature (much) older man looking to pick up a significantly younger woman. Consider the following:
50 year old man, and a 25 year old woman:
- Aside from the pillow they may share, what exactly would a so called mature 50 year old man want with a 25 year old woman who less than 6 years prior graduated from High School? Perhaps, they might share some interest is classical music?
- The 25 year old woman, most likely, will want to start a family will the 50 year old man?
- 50 year old and 25 year olds tend to think differently not to mention tend to associate with people their relative age. Imagine, being 50 and you are going out with your 25 year old date and her 5 friends to the latest dance club…
- Add 15 years to their ages, now he is 65 and most likely looking at some sort of retirement. It is also fair to say the divide between them will widen given the generational disparity. Upon this background risk of divorce could be much higher than might otherwise be the case
65 year old man, and a 45 year old woman:
- The man will most likely be having certain male specific issues or soon will be so the woman might be looking at a more plutonic relationship sooner than later
- The man is probably going to start becoming more focused on his health, and guess what ladies you will be to (on his health that is). Moreover, you may well be your “much older” man’s nurse in the near future to. (There is a saying in the USA “marry a much younger woman so she can take care of you when your older”)
All that said, I can tell you honestly that there is nothing noble or innocent about a man looking for a significantly younger woman. I personally, had numerous opportunities with much younger women (I was 48, some of them were 27) that I passed on (and would again). For me, there is nothing more appealing than being with someone you care about and love that you can grow old together with…so ladies please don’t buy the cheap cigar that certain men will try and sell you [ie. An old * trying to tell you that you really want him because he has sooooo very much to offer you].