


HOW TO GET STARTED - some hints

Many come, register, take their time to set up a profile, meticulously select photos, carefully consider what to write in the personal section and walk through the psychology test. But what next? All this to receive a simple "Hey there, how are you? What are you doing on this site." even on Valentine's Day! - what a turn off! What an anti-climax! I understand full well why people, and ladies especially!, are reluctant to respond.


So here are a number of hints to increase your chances of a response:


Good things to start with

- begin with small talk. You can always ask the person how their weekend was or what their day was like  

- start SMALL and begin with easy topics. Many take their time to fill in their profile. There are photos, statements and hobbies that you can pick up on. That will also show the person that you have, in fact, taken your time to look and consider what they have written about themselves. 😊 

- be considerate that you USUALLY chat with people who speak a different mother tongue. Keep your language simple, but not primitive. Even short lines have their beauty, especially when they come from the heart 😊 


Things to avoid

- simply saying “hi” or “what are you doing here” and “why are you single”. Those are total turn-offs!


- one-liners are for losers. If a someone writes to you in proper sentences, then credit them with doing the same. Otherwise it looks disrespectful.


- post bombing. Give people time to think and respond. Bombarding them with messages is needless pressure and completely counterproductive.


- engaging in sex talk (there are enough other websites for that!)


- asking about previous relationships, past engagements and failed marriages at the beginning is nuclear!



ALSO (just one example)

Even (or especially!) little things, like talking about the weather can be very revealing indeed.

If people complain about it, then you already know that they focus on what is disadvantageous or negative. You can also deduce, if a person enjoys being in- or outdoors.

If they're more optimistic, they will give a more positive response and be more inclined to answer or write to you themselves.


Enjoy your time and good luck with your endeavours!

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