


Fun time for the sane: WHO is this? :)))

Sitting alone in Luxembourg City,
plagued by illusion and self-pity,
he dreams of myths from Wonderland,
but fails to comprehend or understand
that times are different now
and thus wonders about why and how.

Huffy in his ways, defiant in his cause,
he sadly won't reflect or give himself a pause.
Almost 5 decades of age, he writes like a baby boy
of miracles, of pleasures, of angels and of joy.

He makes a bid for sympathy
and in all naïveté, fails to check reality.
May it rain brains from heaven above,
so that the poor boy comprehends love.

It would be good for him to see
that cradle-snatching is a no-go nowadays
and well-detached from reality.
Instead, alas, he mourns his days.

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