Health? I don't see anywhere that asks about someones do I say...sexual we say in the USA...STD's or sexual transmitted dieases. I am so luck y that I found this out before but had I not just done some research.....HEPC is a huge problem...Also, maybe if the woman has a child and wanst to move...actually having permission of the other parent would save alot of time, love, and for attorneys too. Maybe its a custom in some places but when I am at the end of a relationship..I have the humanity to actually either say it face to face, on skype if you are not close, but a letter only minutes after an :I love you too"....I am friends with at least 70% of my ex girlfriends. I learned from them and my mistakes and they know me well enough to add advice when its needed. Just sex.....married women, and custody are things I have already dealt with in just 9 short months. On the women are amazing on a whole....families are fabulous and the intelligence and morality of MOST women on this site is great. Good Luck
Health? I don't see anywhere that asks about someones do I say...sexual we say in the USA...STD's or sexual transmitted dieases. I am so luck y that I found this out before but had I not just done some research.....HEPC is a huge problem...Also, maybe if the woman has a child and wanst to move...actually having permission of the other parent would save alot of time, love, and for attorneys too. Maybe its a custom in some places but when I am at the end of a relationship..I have the humanity to actually either say it face to face, on skype if you are not close, but a letter only minutes after an :I love you too"....I am friends with at least 70% of my ex girlfriends. I learned from them and my mistakes and they know me well enough to add advice when its needed. Just sex.....married women, and custody are things I have already dealt with in just 9 short months. On the women are amazing on a whole....families are fabulous and the intelligence and morality of MOST women on this site is great. Good Luck