


7 commands for Slavonic Women

Perhaps gentlemen could know about the 7 commands on Slavonic women, or at least it was the title of an interesting article I found in the internet but now it is broken....


A Russian woman is, above all, a woman. But cultural differences make them different and that is precisely where most of the problems you find yourselves. I want in this post, explain a few ideas that will help you be more clear situation of your communication


I can read only about  the next:


1.- Duality

It is a characteristic of the Russian woman where there is a huge difference between normal and his beloved state. What happens in all women, in Russian it becomes even greater, to the point of finding a totally different person when he falls. How difficult is to woo Russia, real and deep woman, but who gets to see what a person will do everything possible for her beloved. You can read you the post of "Decembrists" and you will see how women belonging to the upper class, they followed their men banished to labor camps in Siberia, creating villages around the same locations. They are women prepared for tough and demanding situations that have a concept of loyalty that I have not met other women. However, if the Russian woman is not completely in love, you may maintain a relationship with you but consider the practical side of the cohexistencia. It is easy to fall in love with a Slavic woman, although many of their reactions make us think Westerners, in fact, are in love with us. That's where most of our fall friends, thinking they have already achieved when it is not so. Remember therefore a Russian woman in love, will do anything to be with the person you love, whether you go to a depressed area of ​​India or live in New York. It gives quite the same difficulties and what they have to risk. But, by the same reasoning, be with a woman who is not really in love can cost you serious displeasure at a particular time.


2.- Relations man and woman

Despite the image we all have, the Russian woman, in private, with the man she loves, is more fiery, responsive, passionate, tender and given that even women from other parts of the world. This statement will surprise more than one ... I think the reason is because we have that image for his acting, climate and culture that makes it retracted that our women . It's just that, that coldness that keep the relationship with their environment, which makes for compensation, which are opposite in private



We the men, must have to understand the facts about Slavonic Mindset and cultural difference can not be totally generalized, but we, the men,  MUST UNDERSTAND our real reason to be here....


Any Hint????? as to complete this puzzle I like to figure out.... and really understand...... I am very fascinated with it....  



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