


Why do women want to be weak with a man?

I had a nice discussion with a friend of mine. During our chat, a question I had in regards to something I have read in women’s profiles on here. What does it mean that a woman wants to be weak with their ideal man? Am I losing some hidden meaning in the translation?


My perceptions of Russian and Ukrainian women are anything but weak. A matter of fact, they are very strong women. They have strong family values, work ethic and the desire to have a good, long lasting and loving relationship with a man with all of their heart. That is the kind of woman I am attracted to. There are other values I like in a woman, but it will not be discussed here.


I do not like to read that a woman wants to be weak. Weakness, to me, means that they no longer want to be strong physically, mentally and expects the man to take care of everything. I believe that there is a much better description what women truly want to have in a relationship. That word is vulnerable. If a woman can feel vulnerable with a man she loves, that takes real strength from within. She has reached into a point of her relationship that she can love and trust a man so much, she knows he is capable of caring, loving and protecting the very things she holds close to her heart. To love a person, takes a lot of strength from within.


Think of the times you have loved in your life. Did you feel weak or did you feel strong? I imagined that you felt strong because it is the best feeling in the world and you wished that the feeling could last forever. I know I have felt stronger than ever when I loved someone. After all, we all know whose love is everlasting and the answer isn’t a living person or thing.


My question to you ladies and gentlemen: With the right person, would you rather be weak or vulnerable in a loving relationship? Which one did you choose and why?




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