


Marrying in Russia!!!

Let's say the truth!
Life in Russia is probably better than life in the rest of the world. Russia is a healthy country, without debts, without immigration problems, you don't need to work in a zoo, you don't need to live in a zoo, you don't need to become a dog or a pig to survive like in the Anglo-Saxon countries, or a monkey like in Europe.

People mind their own business, and there is a level of perversion incomparable to the western one, and a level of sadism incomparable to the eastern one. So practically Russia is the right centre of the world in this moment.

I laugh at the western media trying to blame Russia as an evil country when they are the prophets of sodomy, transgenderism and animality.
Culture of the big cities like moskow and at Petersburg is probably global like new york or Paris, and I am sure there is a lot of rubbish there as well,
But at least there, the rubbish is not considered gold.

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