New! Visit the USA without a Visa
Most of this is for VWP Designated Countries only, 37 countries participate in the Visa Waiver Program. To research more visit or Visiting:
* vacation (holiday)
* visit with friends or relatives
medical treatment
* participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
* participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)
Travel Purposes Not Permitted on Visa Waiver Program – Examples:
These are some examples of activities not permitted on VWP and require visas for travel to the United States:
study, for credit
work as foreign press, radio, film, journalists, or other information media
*^ permanent residence in the United States
*Primary reason for visiting boyfriend.
*^(As an American Citizen You can marry under this condition but you would have to return to your country after 90 days, at that time your boyfriend can send in a green card petition, they will either grant or deny a visa, It helps if you transfer all your assets to gold during the green card petition process in order to prove hardship and poverty a great motivator in grating approval, once you receive your valid paper work in your home country to go ahead and travel to the USA you can then transfer your gold back into your accounts. Once the paperwork is signed and in your hand they can't take it back. Nor can they revoke your green card if you hide your assets if you can prove you had fear that someone would steal your money if you immigrated. Furthermore, Once you have been approved for your green card it is hard for them to prove that you would not have been approved if your accounts were never changed.This also would also apply to citizens of other nations with temporary visas or other valid travel documents.)
Hope this answers any questions regarding quick and easy marriage into USA citizenship,
P.S. Your family could even visit to enjoy the wedding ceremony, If you find a man worth a stone he would at the very least help you get your mom and dad to the wedding. Just my opinion.
Also, I am a young man 30 years old. I'm working as hard as I can everyday to get as wealthy as I can, Their any many other men like me, that haven't been able to find love in their homeland, I would do anything to make sure everyone can find love, Because I believe that if everyone was in love everyone is in peace.
Peace to everyone from an American lover...