Language sharing & expectations
This is a question for both men and women on the topic of language sharing. This is not a topic intended to be judgmental, but to better inform people who have an interest in the topic. I see many women who either do not list another language on their profile, or list other languages as "Basic (1)". This worries me, because communication is absolutely essential for any relationship, and it can take a long time to become functional in another language. It's very difficult and so easy to surrender, I find. This can be devastating for a relationship.
For the women, how do you intend to converse and have a relationship with a person with whom you don't share a language? I have encountered a few women who seemed to have no intention to learn another language and this perplexed me - how would such a person integrate into a new country? If this hasn't been considered, what brought you to an international dating site? Has enough thought been given to the implications of foreign dating? And is it important that your man learn your language, as well?
Men, can you share your experience with someone when you met someone who did not share a language? Or are you even willing to meet someone who needs a translator? Are you willing to learn Russian or Ukrainian? I see this as an important step to help your future partner feel like she's not totally alienated from her culture. I have found that it's possible to communicate with the help of electronic devices, but there are enormous difficulties with this, and noticed that using translators doesn't help you learn another language at all. I found that I wasn't too excited to try again, either. Contrarily, I found that basic knowledge of Russian vocabulary, pronunciation and expressions really livened up conversation with women who speak English.
I'm curious to hear your opinions on the subject.