As a result of actual conversations, I have the question about the money of professions at different countries:My proposed ranking is the Next table, per month
Grade A: income of USD$3,000-2,500
Grade B: income of USD$2,499-2,000
Grade C: income of USD$1,999-1,000
Grade C: income of USD$999-500
Grade D: income of USD500-100
I am an especialized Engineer in Grade A at Mexico in one of the most expensive cities.
I have been noticed that an income at top of grade D is usual at Moscow, again it could vary from type of profession and the place in the country, and in different countries.
What is the average wages in your locality and country?
How can we measure it?
I want to live there and my pension in US Dollars is excellent here and I feel at Moscow, it can be good.
My only concern is health treatment and how to care on it.
Someone special to me, will care of me when get more older