Relation between woman and man
Dear Fellows, I will write from my experiences on relation with women and last marriage.We are beings with our own personality and our brains are wired according with the evolution on myriads of time.
Have our roles programmed according with the sex type, men are hunters and like to make competitions in order to evidentiate superiority, we can see it in all levels of our society, irrespective of the country, religion and manners.
Women have the gift of giving birth, they are more stronger and their brains are wired as to protect and assure the continuity of the specie.
after the sexual revolution in the 60's, women started to emancipate more and more, gaining ritghs who every human being deserves.
Unfortunately, with "freedom" -Libertad- the consequences of unbalanced claims and fights between sexes - women from Mars and men from Venus-, has derived in the breakage of marriages, couple relations and families with no guiadance and examples of life to follow.
What I have been an excellent provider before I married, a fancy and luxurious Vacation resort, traveling around the world, etc; I married in love with the Angel I knew at 15 years old, a pretty blond green eyed woman with such excellent body. I paid my wedding party, a new house, two cars; had the conception of our first child at the first month living together. had our second son 51 weeks after the birth of the first son, being blessed with the birth of my beautiful daughter, and my younger son who lived with me at my own new house only 6 months (2017).
I gave the provisions,they born at the best and expensive hospital here, we spend the best times since toddlers in that beautiful resort all the days of the year, ( it has warm pool under the roof for winters and open sky pools for summer, among tennis, a lake for fishing, swimming,riding boats, restaurants, beautiful gardens, grills to do barbecues, hotel).
But if the relation between the man and the woman is not balanced since the beginning, it is marked with the risk of failure.
I feel and my opinion is, the emancipation in excess provoques that not all women, but some, overpass the rights the law give to them ( at least in Mexico it is unflexible in that aspect,we the men are obligated to financially suport them up to 25 years old, or could win a ticket to the jail ).
I feel it is a mimic of the law of USA, as I heared stories about divorces in the US, where the woman is overprotected in excess.
Now I have read US men prefer to seek for their second half in the East Europe countries, as the way of life and woman manners are more closer to those old schemes at the beginnig of the XX century.
But women are under emancipation, I support them as I do with my friend and business partner ( YES, maybe the audience is tired to read a lot about it, but I do not care, is what I want to say as my perception and planning that I will explain at the end).
I support my daughter as to purse her profession and aspirations in life and clear that dependencies - economical, the rol of mother in charge only of children and housekeeping-.
I want my daughter to be independant, brave and never been under the sole of a bad man. She is free to chose and find her place in this world.
The main for a family and a happy couple is to not lost the bond between all the family, no matter the odds and problems, what unite a family must be keep intact no matter, and the parents must be the most important support in life,as for the well being and good developing of the family.
I never have had such terrible events when my children attempted against their life by suicide -daugther in 2010 and young boy in 2015-, I leave that home in 2014 when the events surpass a regular family life.
So, as to finish this topic, I only want to say that what must be cared and be an obligation for a man and a woman united in marriage, is to put their children first, to give them the best education and development for their future life.
I grew up with many of my cousins - kind little girls who developed very well-, so I used to protect and advice them with the warm care I did.
That is why I support the persons who really deserves, in return to the support of many friends and known persons who gave all the help in my own development.
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