


What is it with all of rhe fake lips i have seen lately on this website and on women in Russia and the Ukraine?

People I have to say something....I just can't hold back another day.  I have seen more and more women with enhanced lips lately.  Ladies... ITS NOT ATTRACTIVE! YOU ARE ALREADY THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN IN THE WORLD...and the weird thing is that I know that medical care and technology there is not up to western standards. I have been in hospitals in both countries and those doctors have 7 to 10 years of schooling.  Our western specialists have 13 years under their belts before they TOUCH A SINGLE PATIENT.  Its unsafe and in case you didn't know, a full 35% of all meds and supplies used over there are counterfeit. You could be injecting all kinds of unknown stuff on your bodies and the alarming thing is that it's your lips. You can't cover them up when the job goes bad and trust will.  I am genuinely scared for a lot of you lovely beautiful charming women. Trust me when I tell you that western men already think you are absolutely a gift from heaven.  As a reminder.. Your lips that big is VERY unattractive.  Really unattractive and when you also throw in a super tiny waste from dieting too much and pushed up breasts it looks plain old fake.  

I have to be honest and say that even our western women do not look so artificial.  None have a tiny waste like that and fake lips and pushed up breasts. Please pick just one.  These pics of you in front of the mirror...stomach sucked in and lips poked out in super tight gym clothes is way too much. I am kinda sure that I speak for generally all men.  We love you when you look real and ample not enhanced and over dieted.  Best wishes fish face ladies. You have done too much. 

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