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Paul, 57 y.o.


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I am retired and drink Margaritas all day long!

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Пенсионер-алкоголик, нашел чем удивить.    


Tatiana, 71 y.o.


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Paul, Вы сопьётесь так!!!    Ваша заметка подходит для поста Ирины: "Мелочь, а приятно",    



Dude, nobody cares  


Irina, 63 y.o.


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В 50 лет? Наверное пенсия по инвалидности 😀 ))))))



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Татьяна, он сопьется от наших комментариев!😆😆😆


Inessa, 57 y.o.


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I think you need to look for woman named Margarita .You drink the first Margarita all day long,and you will have in bed the second Margarita all day long too.



Добрый день! В Вашей стране много интересного, и без выпивки!



Oh, Really Paul !!???
I like it too, let's drink together.
It is fun.



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Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Irina all men that are rich like booze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Yes, Irina, I have a disability I get the Canadian Government to pay for EVERYTHING!!!!


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Rick on View the commented comment

Rick, all women are gold diggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

If you do not have other interests in life. Condolences.



If your lucky enough to retire at 50 and drinking margaritas all day long. Sadly your retirement could be cut short with Liver failure. I fully understand the cryptic comment pointing to fact you have the money to retire. Maybe if you have this free time how about teaching English is a village where this resource is needed for little or no wage but to help others. A beautiful heart will be noticed before your looks or ability to drink margaritas all day long. This would be my dream job in retirement in any russian speaking country. I’d love to help others and at same time improve my russian language skills.



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Jesus, Dave…!
If you set Paul loose to let him 'teach', I mean TEACH - people of all! Oh heaven forbid.
Luckily that guy lives far detached from all of us, taken care of by the government of the most scarcely populated country in the world. I wonder how he sneaks up to a computer to share his 'wisdom' with us. Somebody must tell the doctors.
Maybe the margaritas come intravenous and he carries an infusion around for his glorious enlightenment…?



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

I give you this one too Ben. Intravenous Margaritas you maybe onto something here! Beats a straw and a umbrella   Could put it to the Canadian upper house along with Alcoholic Maple Syrup!! Just a thought.



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Sounds like a plan! Once you figure the numbers 7 and beyond, we can export our patent. (A little side kick here   )
How about DBMI or AMS for the Upper House?   
Speciality of the house "Margarita Intravenous" - buy two and get a straw for free. Summer special "Margarita To Go" - with a mobile infusion and a refill cartridge (only available for those who go by the name Paul)    
Cheers, mate!  



Paul can you please explain to me how in gods name You can retire when you dont work and the Canadian Government Government pay for everything?... What exactly are you retiring from?






Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

Only "one" disability?
You should go and see a different doctor then.
The whole forum can has witnessed at least a dozen more handicaps, inadequacies, behavioural disorders, delusions, derangements, various forms of paranoia, megalomania, panic attacks … basically ANY kind of mental defect - they seem to be ALL there!
I always wonder, how they fit into one Paul and whether it's sad, funny, scary or really spooky…!



Reply to Lana on View the commented comment

You can drink all the forum. A lot of margarita, please! 



Every day, bust, it must be you have excellent health 



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Dave, it's too obvious:
Paul confuses "retiring" with "recovering" - he's probably using the moments the booze stops the shaking in his hands to type up a text and share his expertise in financial investment, currency fluctation, real estates (he has testimonials for his profound knowledge of the post-soviet standard of living) and, of course, he's a first-class relationship consultant. It's obvious that a man of his mature age, sound and sober judgement has thoroughly earned his retirement AND deserves a drink!
Ready? steady! infuse  
(Paul's new battle cry to get through the day happily 😀 



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

I’ve made a very direct remark about the two new products of ours being mixed with Canada Dry to make a Lethal Injection c*cktail or with After Shock to make Shock Therapy I don’t think saying he needs them is classed has appropriate for this forum so I’ve now posted these edited comments



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Just checking the maths for the current product range to follow up:
1 Margarita Intravenous
(MI 2go - in summer)
2) Alcoholic Maple Syrup
(primarily an upper class product, if I follow your analysis)
Each to be enriched by Canada Dry (do we go for shots each or funnel it directly?)
The product ad features
Paul Edminton as the main protagonist (instead of Mel Gibson) in 'Lethal Injection' P. I-VI (I hope Paul lasts that long! He's our star entertainer after all).
I know 'After Shocks' only from WWI and WWII - maybe we should consult Eric as an eye-witness to both to feature in the cast as well?

You're, shock therapy is inappropriate. It would be absolutely unfair and out of order to even suggest that they needed one (or two… )



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Re: Advert.... was thinking more on the lines about Paul Edmonton being drip fed the C*cktails to the Brian Adams tune Summer of 69 however the chance of Paul getting one “69” let alone a summer of them seems highly unlikely!!!



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Bryan Adams is a great idea! A Canadian for a Canadian  

If copyrighy becomes an issue, we can always resort to Paul "can't get no (satisfaction)" while he's getting a horse injection.
(MI Extremas - house special for past "69" - summer or winter…)



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

I’ve just thought to celebrate ten years (or much more) of involuntary celibacy for our new rising star we could do the Bryan Adams Cocktail A.K.A Cloud Number Nine.... I’m showing my age now but one of his classics!!! Cloudy lemonade Canada Dry Maple 🍁 Syrap 70% proof plus the MI!!! If that don’t put him on cloud number nine (not that he ain’t already been on cloud nine years) nothing will!!! And a charity record double A side has below  
1..... Can’t buy me love, (sponcered by Canadian government) The Beatles
2..... When I’m 64(plus 6) Baby Spice   Featuring MC Eric! I’d be happy to let Paul do guest vocals on both tracks we may of found Canada’s answer to Ian Dury! (RIP)



Reply to David on View the commented comment

OK, drinks:
- Margaritas Intravenous +
funneled shots of
- Canadian Dry
- 70% AM Syrup / vintage: minumum 12 years, dry, stirred but not shaken - we have to uphold traditions after all!
- I like the idea of a Bryan Adams Cocktail! (Shall we add some Blue Curacao, just to get the cloudy looks or will frozen ethanol do the job?)

Your proposed set list is first class! Damn it - I had to hold on to my chair while reading it 😂😂😂
I also suggest the following extra:
Since Hugo is now ambling the realms of "another reality" in a parallel universe, he can contribute "When I'm Done" by Linkin' Park (R.I.P. Chester!) to spice things up a little.

Talking about the good old times, naturally and most definitely we should hear "Money, Money, Money" by Abba - rerecorded live by Paul. I've always wondered how the tunes come out with false teeth (and no brain).
To be concluded by:
"Waterloo" - how about a NeLux duet?

Eric & Hugo - featuring as

'Forever United 18/28'

What do you think of
"inebriation as their only salvation"
for a motto?
We can ask the Catholic Church for sponsorship: they have two millenia of experience with it. I'm sure they can be won over, if we manage a stand-alone feat of "Hallelujah" - an A Cappella version should be the natural solution at this stage.
We need to bring in Natalya for background vocals to complete the "Nuts4"
(Or do you prefer "Nuts4ever"? - it might sound too apodictic, as there might be hope for them after all, however dismal the chances).

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