
Administrative issues




Bonjour Administrateur, étant client depuis 2009, le site à changer mais n'est pas parfait.
1- Pouvez-vous creer un Tchat Public client ? Le siteweb vivrai mieux, plus de dialogue, convivialité..
2- Il serait judicieux de pouvoir changer son " Speudo name "

3- dans recherche, ajouté " recherche par plusieurs signe astrologique ". Plus d'options dans recherche

4- les applications tchat/sms/call free same: Skype/Whatsapp/Line/Viber etc, peuvent être compatible
avec vos siteweb ? Les appels sont gratuits))
5- les photos sont trop long a s'affiché, fichier trop lourd.
6- Un lien pour faire la Pub de vôtre siteweb en France ?
Beaucoup d'Homme célibataire en France ne connaissent pas le siteweb..
Vôtre chiffre d'affaires est là Lol ))
7- plus de fluidité dans le chargement du siteweb
8- créer une section " Arnaque " et "excros ". Possibilité d'afficher des noms, et histoire vécu isu d'une arnaque aux sentiments pour obtenir de l'argent

J'attends ses améliorations avec impatience. Merçi d'avance  


Nira, 42 y.o.


All the user's posts

Thank you for your suggestions. We are very happy to receive them and see new ideas and interesting features.

1. We will think about this. At present, sorry, only The Wall and Forum.
But how to make this client public chat. I do not know yet. The problem: Gold Client can communicate with Standard members, but Standard members can't communicate with Standard members, they need to pay for communicating with other Standard clients. So what to do? We can't allow only Gold and Platinum members to participate in this chat (there are very few women who pay and it won't be so populated as you would like). If we allow all Standard and Gold and Platinum members to participate, then how we can guarantee that people just exchange contacts and leave or some scammers just won't sit there and gather all contacts .
2. We thought about the idea to change username to nickname. I mean, people have username with which they login to the site, and we can't change them otherwise there is a chance that they won't be able to login. Another thing is a nickname- something that other people see. BUT what to do. You have communicated yesterday with a woman Nicky23, and today you come to talk to her, but there is no such woman. She changed her avatar and she changed her nickname to Romashka. Won't it be very difficult for people to find then their contacts.

3. As far as I understood you,you want to search by several astrological signs. You can click then the check - Astrological compatibility and then there will be a search by several astrological signs.

4. We have other things for it. You can add a person to video/audio chat and talk to him. It is also free.
5. Can you please, specify if you use mobile , tablet version or pc version?
6 We have an affiliate program, where you can join and create a site in French )) and join to our system. It will be money for you and French clients for us. There are only old designs there to choose between, but on request , we can give you some new ones.
7. I have not understood this, sorry. Can you, please, specify.
8 We had the site . About a year ago or something, we had to stop it. Unfortunately, it is in conflict with many laws in different countries. I am sorry, but we prefer to be on the right side of the law.
