Gentlemen's club
Women… men ONLY!
Lads and guys,Let's get something controversial on the way!
What are the top 5 of "most annoying female feats" on your list?
Here are mine
5) wants to be good-looking but refuses to do sport
4) wants a comfortable life but expects that ALL is set and done for her
3) wants to respected but dresses and talks like a hooker
2) wants compliments but whines and moans non-stop
and the all-time NUMBER ONE:
1) asks for advice and then turns hostile, feels offended and cries
PS: female (or feminist) comments are unwanted and will be considered hostile by default. If you want to leave a comment, ask a MALE friend to reply.
You got a lot of the good ones Ben so I'll just add on a few things that drive me crazy on top of the things you mention
In no particular order... additional things that drive me crazy:
when a girl fishes for compliments. Don't try to get compliments out of me I'll give them when I want to give them. I don't care if you're 100 pounds soaking wet...if you tell me you're fat and expect anything other than hit the gym more or I see what you're talking about you're talking to the wrong person, I'm not going fall over myself to tell you what you already know. Go call your girlfriends if you want to hear somebody gush over you on command.
When your girl bitches about your friends and/or time spent with them...don't try to divide, make them your friends to, accept them or keep your mouth shut. Don't try to make it a me or them situation you won't like the answer.
When a girl orders shit food at a restaurant knowing she'll just eat off your good plate. Nobody made you order the salad, stay away from my food. If I want you to try it i'll say this is so good try this...uninvited hands get hit with forks
`when she doesn't realize make up is an accessory, you should not be using it to recreate a whole new face. I should be able to recognize you when that comes off. If there are eyebrows when the make up is on there better be eyebrows when it comes off. And for gods sake lay off the botox in the lips, a little enhancement great, fish lips are scary.
When she absolutely refuses to consider a 3 way with another girl Not cool ladies not cool
I'm completely with you!
Fishing for compliments is just gross
"look how small and weak I am, it is your DUTY now to boost my lack of confidence…"
Nah, go to the gym, sober up or work on yourself, then come back
Slagging off friends is an utter no-go and leads straight to the following line "have the courtesy to open this door, pass through and close it from the outside."
It shall remain shut forever.
Sharing food in a restaurant is a revolting!
"Oh, this is so nice. Goo goo, have some" - this is what children can do at a barbecue party, but ADULTS in a restaurant?!
That would be a 'two-time-act': first and last time EVER (hands OFF - literally! 😀
" If there are eyebrows when the make up is on , there better be eyebrows when it comes off " >>>
But , surely Billy , you can verify upfront , if there are eyebrows there or not .. !
With or without make up - You got me laughing on this one ...
I mean , you are talking , when you are sober , yes ??
Ben ,
I'm sure some of the women will ignore your PS - remark.
Just my 2 cents - When a woman asks you for advice , first ask yourself , why she is asking YOU .
If or when , you have found the answer to that question , the nr's 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) and 5 ) , will be irrelevant ....
In other words , your life will be a whoooolle lot easier ...
You get my grip ? -
Eric, some women are amazing at painting themselves up, you wouldn't believe the artistry involved. That was a real life experience I was dating this girl and we went away for a weekend getaway. I went to sleep with this beautiful girl beside me, I woke up next to this no eyebrowed monster...I literally woke up saw her and shook her awake and said what the hell happened to your eyebrows. She gave me some excuse about them being blonde and faint so she just fills them in but she looked more alien than human without them This is way more common than you think I went back to work upon my return and talked to a make up artist on the film set and she said oh yeah, lots of girls do that, like it was common knowledge...If it was, the girls I had dated prior had the good sense to hide that from me...girls are a walking illusion, til the make ups off, the high heels come off, the spanx come off and the bras off you don't know what your girl really looks like you've merely met her representative.
Билли, конечно, Яндекс перевод все испортил...ну да ладно)))
Билли ты зажигаешь!
Если честно, то я хохотала что вы написали. Видимо у вас богатый опыт общения с девушками...но где же вы таких находите???
Особенно впечатлило сравнение ботокса в губы и губы, как у рыбы!!! Браво.
As the points are neither entwined, nor interrelated, they will not be or become irrelavant.
They're more like an illness: different diseases may have the same symptoms or different symptoms the effect of the same disease…
Feel free to check the word "controversial" in your dictionary…
I would respond but as per your advice when something annoys me ignore it.
I got a new one to add to the list of annoying thing girls say or do...
I got a message from a cute girl today but her profile wasn't filled out so I asked her to tell me about herself and she wrote back and started off with I'm a princess...
So good news guys, I may have landed myself a Romanov heiress..... or a twit
Billy ,
So then to resume ,
Her eyebrows were blond
To me they seemed in a natural state
And I really did want
To take her on a date
So , she slept with me
This really hot chick
Up to some degree
It gave me a kick
But when I woke up
I watched in despair
How she looked without make - up
( Luckily she was still a SHE .... ??? )
What the ..@@,her eyebrows just vanished in thin air ...
----- oo , I got to get out of here ---
-- try to find a door way --
--- what brand make-up is this anyway ?? ---
-- this thing is just "eating" your hair away --
--- no , this is NOT a good day ---
hahaha I guess I can knock making my way into someones poetry off my bucket list
thank you for the laugh.
I agree with you. But if a girl asks for an advice - she expects to hear/read a logic advice but tactful. As I see (from my experience of reading comments) there are a lot of advices in a semi-rude/semi-blaming way. So it`s a big question why people give the information in such a way.
Women will ignore that PS mainly because this post was written:
1) in 2 days after one woman created a topic about some men`s irritating habits/behavior (in order just to laugh as some of the habits are funny and because to be irritated of such things - is rather funny too, sure there was no aim to insult men as all people are not perfect). But some men still were very angry and took it personally;
2) in the area where both male and female people can read it. Not in the area "closed for women". It`s a kind of a provocation: women can read it but are not allowed to reply
Hi Ana ,
You just said , what I was thinking .......
Just glad , that you were acting as my secretary ....
I understand your point of vieuw.There are 2 things at play here.
1 - sometimes it is not clear , if a woman wants to hear a logic / sensible advice and if she is really serious about it
2 - then there is the culture difference , between normal daily life matters and opinions , in CIS countries and Russia , compared to Western countries.
Some men , may not know , what or how life , tradition and culture is in these countries.
They will respond in a way , which is being considered normal , in their country or their circle of friends or family.
But , that may differ very much , from what traditional women in E Europe /Russia will feel , is a correct and proper way , to communicate .
And then you also have the poor translation from the online translator app.
So , all in all , quite a few things , which will make communication a bit difficult ...
Unless the Western men , have taken the time , to learn about the tradition and customs of Slavic women ...
And my advice was very logical and encouraging people to communicate with her, and she did not agree!
Really? It`s pleasant that sometimes I can read the thoughts of another person. I`m a Jedi
Your advices are always tactful Honestly I even didn`t pay any attention to those words as everything was written in a nice way (like I read, agreed and forgot). So maybe she thought you were mocking By the way I don`t think she was offended.
Люди, спрашивая совета, ожидают их от людей, которые как минимум понимают о чем они спрашивают. а в идеале, хотят получить совет от тех кто разбирается в этом вопросе и сам успешно пользуется своими знаниями