Beauty, health, lifestyle
health of your future mate, tell the truth, human health is basic info
Invested time, alot of time and heart into one special woman, or so I thought. All expenses paid of course, 2 trips to Russia, only to get a letter when I got home asking for forgiveness for a very important health secret! Changed forever is an understatement. Is it too much to ask that the site check the health or at least ask the questions about a woman or a man's health. In my case, the question, "Are You Safe" clearly was understood and clearly I was lied to. WOW, lookout people, men and women alike. In the end I learned a lesson...that there are good and bad ones on all sites, But honestly after 2 visits?????? NOW, do I have the embassy deal with this, because I get no response when I ask for the basic details, no response at all..I understand the past is the past, and we all put on our best face, but your health is the one thing that must be real and honest and truthful the first time. GooD Luck!
дорогой.... бывает и такое... вы знаете сколько мужчин много лгут о своём здоровье?Очень много,пишут что ищут жену,а в результате оказывается что ему нужна фактически сиделка ,которая будет за ним ухаживать
Согласна полностью,что ложь в любом случае это плохо,особенно если это касается здоровья,нормальным ест попросить справки от врача... не расстраивайесь.. у вас всё будет хорошо))удачи вам)
СПИД это очень опасно... Гепатит С... Заболевание распространено во всех странах, но неравномерно. Заразиться можно при выполнении пирсинга, татуировок.,В больнице, клинике, при введении препаратов крови при операциях и травмах, в стоматологических кабинетах. Если грубо нарушаются санитарные нормы. Половой путь передачи гепатита С мало актуален. При незащищенном половом контакте с носителем вируса вероятность передачи составляет 3-5%.
В условиях моногамного брака риск передачи инфекции минимален, однако он возрастает при наличии большого количества партнеров, случайных связей. Лицам, имеющим половые контакты с больными гепатитом С или носителями вируса, рекомендуется использование презервативов.
Гепатит С не передается воздушно-капельным путем (при разговоре, чихании, со слюной и пр.), при рукопожатии, объятиях, пользовании общей посудой, едой или напитками.
От инфицированной матери плоду вирус гепатита С передается редко, не более, чем в 5% случаев. В большинстве случаев дети рождаются здоровыми.
Можно заразиться и переболеть гепатитом C, т.е. выздороветь. Вероятность этого составляет около 10-20%.
Можно заразиться и стать носителем вируса гепатита С. Вирусы размножаются в организме носителя, но ему самому большого вреда не наносят.
Однажды заразившись вирусом гепатита С, большинство инфицированных приобретают хронический гепатит С. Вероятность этого составляет около 70%. Все инфицированные нуждаются в постоянном наблюдении врача потому, что риск активации заболевания у них сохраняется.
Я медработник по образованию и хотя из профессии ушла, продолжаю сдавать кровь для других. Я донор.
мэн не указал о каком именно заболевании идет речь вообще...
Борис спросил, ответа не получил.
Я вообще вначале не решилась ничего писать - слабо поняла о чем речь. Честно говоря мысли о самом страшном были - СПИД, гепатит В,С, открытая форма туберкулеза.
А так х/з, не все из-за шрамов ведуться и истерят.
У меня года 3 назад вообще на подбородке операционные швы были. и ничего, мой тогдашний бойфренд нормально к этому отнесся, тортики возил,целоваться лез, успокаивал. ну и хирург молодой резал - тоже постарался, даже без базы под макияж почти ничего не видно сейчас.
Так что, Ксения, не переживайте раньше времени.Не все "женихи" буду вас под лупой разглядывать.
Я совершенно не ведусь. Просто поинтересовалась про отбраковку.
У меня 3 операции...Умеют у нас апендицыт через горло вырезать... Не заморачиваюсь по этому поводу. Может напрасно?
А, так дело не в том - какая болезнь. Не думаю, что речь идёт о СПИДе или о чём-то в этом роде. Автор возмущен, что только после двух визитов в Россию женщина ему написала о каких-то проблемах со здоровьем, а он уже потратил деньги и время на общение и знакомство. Ну, это всё издержки интернет-знакомств, большинство людей(как мужчины, так и женщины) умалчивают о своих недостатках, о проблемах со здоровьем. Хотя, легко полюбить здорового и богатого, "в бедности и болезни" даже многолетние браки распадаются...
Наталия, фотку "шрамика" в профайле выставите - у кого-то пирсинг, у кого-то татуировка, а у Вас - шрамик)))))))
Уважаемые менеджеры, Может нужно открыть поднятую мною тему про венерические болезни и болезни передающиеся половым путем? Ведь на сайтах есть малограмотные тоже. Пусть хоть почитают это. Женщинам это неинтересно, только 2 комментарии.
Я просто знаю, что многие не предохраняются во время секса, так как я общаюсь с женщинами другими. Причина - у мужчин после 50-55 лет плохая эрекция.
По Вашей просьбе, я перенесла ваш пост "Венерические болезни.Болезни передающиеся половым путем" в раздел "Он и она" (и открыла для чтения всем).
Попробуйте поднять эту тему с мужчинами.
с ув. менеджер Марина
Самому Красивому Менеджеру Мариночке из Санкт-Петербурга спасибо!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the long reply, NOT HIV or AIDS, but Natalya mentions any degee of HEP A B C as if they are not serious. I do not care about the money or the trips, it's the simple humanity of the question after using a condom many times "are you safe" and getting a "yes, I am safe" answer that is the point. No, I am young and able enough to enjoy a happy love life also. Why NOT be actually think that I have been completely honest, 38, getting older, balding, but still young at heart...that's me! But the humanity of knowing and spreading a permanent, hard to cure disease, is actually illegal in my country. At this point the cards have turned the way they will, my real question is why not answer with the specifics about the disease so a person's embassy can do some homework and finish what was started. I tried many times the nice way, many emails, many "OK, it's over, but please tell me the hospital so I can save myself" with NO ANSWER. ANY WAY YOU VIEW IT, IT IS WRONG.
And I have had an appendix removed, kidneys worked on, and broken limbs, BUT NEVER would I even join if I had a serious health issue. THX Boris for the question.It let me clarify the issue. I am a man of little secrets
Thanks for your concerns.....great erection, truth is amazing medicine. Good luck Ms Marina
Марина, где тема?
Я не стеснительная.
Энди тоже пытался поднять эту тему, но насне поддержали. Все скромняшки.
Смотрите в этом же разделе. На странице чуть ниже "Венерические болезни.Болезни передающиеся половым путем"
thank you very much good Luck to You in love and health!!!!!
Hey Andy, There are lots of Scammers o internet and only 1-5% some are ok who would like to change their life. No motivation or vision how it would be in new country. All they see is a correspondence and some cash which might be sent...So, most girls just want the cash and run arrangement telling you that they love you not even knowing you. So beware, it is a difficult thing to get to know a lady from internet who has the motivation and be separated from close family. Fortunately now, we know what the situation is. Very few ladies believe that there is a better life out there. Most girls have never been abroad. So it is just a game in most cases...( both ladies and translators hoping for some cash and this is the case now). I hope all corresponding ladies realize that - we know all about it that we know what they want. Maybe it is better to go and see them in Europe. Then, we can find out if they are sincere and want a family or just to travel or money. One way or the other we do like European ladies hoping they will be a good wife. Please be such because there are many ladies too in our country. This is why, we like a good friend, ( not a nagging trouble) - a good wife, younger lady and family minded one. Mark
Dear gentlemen!
It is known that one often attracts a certain type of people in his or her life by one's own attitudes and behaviour.
Try changing you attidute, stop treating women like dolls for your pleasure, start treating them like personalities, and chances are you will stop meeting those women who treat you as wallets.
Try to communicate with modest ladies who are close to your age group. I personally see a full forum of nice, interesting and decent ladies (where do you find all those scammers?).
I can understand when one sets a wide range for the seacrh, the limits being rather an exception than a target (as you never know who you may fall in love with). But I do not understand when one is looking for a young body purposefully, moreover that's a sure way to get into trouble.
Also mind that perverse pics will hardly help you attract normal ladies, more likely they will scare them off.
Good luck!
Hi Helga, I find myself repeating this message, so please take no offense 😉 I am 38, my current girlfriend is 32, the woman I spoke of with my friend Sumner was 31, he was 37. You seem reasonable enough...would you expect a future date to tell you if they had a serious, and I do mean VERY serious illness that could affect you before you, not money, but love and tears, and hopes of a child to another child with hopes. That is the part of this that stinks......people were hurt, but children began a trust too, and it was stripped away over a serious, chilling lie. about HEPC of all things. I wish you luck, but I do not seek young ones, only close to my age, mothers with pretty smiles and real goals for a life in love. Yours, Andy
Andy, sorry for commenting upon the scam issue in your thread. I understand it is an offtop here. But this kind of complaints appeared in the thread started by you as well.
I am not picking at the age of your partners. Moreover, as a person, surprisingly tending to like senior men, I can say that not all marriages with a big age difference are alike (as well as same age partnerships)...
I am glad to hear you are no loner alone. As for your health, since you came off clear, life has given you another chance, use it properly this time.
I wish you happiness.
you are right although I am NOT outraged just confused as to why someone even begin to enter into a relationship without first getting tested and being sure that question of... I might have... 100 against the rules adult
the quick reply no she ins mm friends like me treating a woman toys for adults before respecting her for meeting your family for visiting several times or myself going to get tested just to prove by any means mean simply for a young body to pleasure myself now at 39 the young woman a 34... She was hardly what you would describe as just a toy however to me what is beautiful and sweet the woman has any man could ask until this question of... Andy by the way I might have been exposed to a few months ago and you might want to get tested. You twisted to conveniently things simply that a man looks at a Russian or Ukrainian or Belarusian and doesn't value her I have a child therefore I specifically look for a woman with a child also because if I want her to accept my son and I certainly need to learn to accept her son your comment way from left field somewhere northern northern Antarctica Virginia / West wherever but nowhere close to the topic that I was speaking of. Have a good day and good health to all
also held in custody. 39 I don't think it's really old AM considering she was just a few years younger than me I think we made a and I tried very hard to her and family considering young simply an absence it's an easy excuse hitman just want women for toys when I travel to Russia but believe it or not till you come to me you never American women you want can will marry one or more children very flatteringmore women that are younger two children that are divorced and and you will find that's the best majority of the rest of the english-speaking world embraces these children as an update brace my own met here on this site girls and a boy little Sofia calls me daddy just like good luck storyline just doesn't fly
Hello, i have read your letter and i understand you. In my experience i find very usefull to ask for a recent laboratory clinic check on all basics test, which includes sexual disease. I offer the same, to present mine. It may sound too much for some people but it is the same we should do dating a person in our own city, if we are serious this should not be taken wrong, so far only one woman refuses and i though is not worth it. I hope all is good with you and hope you find the peace of mind soon. Peace.